
聖母 九相

  聖母 9 相
Prathamam Shailaputrim cha
Dwitiyam Brahmacharinim
Tritiyam Chandraganteti
Kushmaandethi chaturthakam
Panchamam Skandamateti

Shashtam Katyayaniti cha

Saptamam Kalaratrischa
Mahagauriti chashtamam
Navamam Siddhidhatrim cha
Navadurga prak


Navadurga 中的第一個是 Shailaputri。
Shaila的意思是石頭或山峰。 putri 是女兒。
她被描繪成騎著公牛,這也是穩定的象徵。 她的祝福讓你堅如磐石!

The first among the Navadurga is Shailaputri. Shaila means stone or peak. And putri is daughter.
The devi is the daughter of the peak.
Gurudev says that when you reach the peak of any emotion, you experience the emergence of the divine consciousness.
She is depicted as riding a bull which is also a symbol for steadiness. Her blessings makes you rock solid!

Mahakali是Dasha Maha Vidya的第一個。 她是純淨能量籠罩在無限天空中,並被裝飾著被斬首頭顱的花環。
花環中不同的頭像徵著不同的智力。 她的空間超出了所有類型的智力。 此外,花環戴在靠近心臟的位置。 當你處於心的空間裡時,自我消失了。 摩訶迦利帶著上師的加持,帶你踏上從頭腦到心靈的旅程。

Mahakali is the first of the Dasha Maha Vidya. She is the pure energy draped in the infinite skies and adorned with a garland of severed heads. The different heads in the garland symbolize diverse intellects. Hers is a space beyond all types of intellect. Also, a garland is worn close to the heart. When you are in the space of the heart, ego vanishes. Mahakali takes you on the journey from the head to the heart with the blessings of the Master.

度母是至尊自我的絕對光輝。 她幫助你從有限的身份跨越到無限的自我。 TARA塔拉被描繪成手握著一個頭顱並站在一具屍體上。 骨骼是身體永恆的象徵。 意識也是如此。 之間的一切都在變化。 拿著頭
象徵著永恆。 屍體讓我們意識到世界的短暫本質。
沒有人願意和一具屍體戰鬥。 當你記住沒有什麼是永恆的這個真理時, 所有的憤怒、嫉妒、仇恨都會消失。

Tara is the absolute radiance of the supreme self. She helps you cross over from your limited identity to the unbounded Self.
Tara is represented as holding a skull and standing on a corpse.
Bones are the symbol of permanence in the body. So also the consciousness. Everything in between changes. Holding a skull symbolizes timelessness.
The corpse brings to our awareness the transient nature of the world. Nobody wants to fight with a corpse. When you remember this truth that nothing is permanent even for a second, all the anger, jealousy, hatred will disappear.

Chandra 的意思是月亮,ghanta 是鈴鐺。 古儒吉說,一百萬顆衛星的美麗存在於我們自己的意識中。 每當我們感到美麗時,我們的意識就會發生轉變。 而那種提昇並展現美的意識就是 Chandraghanta。 月亮和心靈是相連的。 當鈴聲響起時,心智中充滿了那個聲音。 從有聲到寂靜,從寂靜到有聲——當心
隨著聲的響起而搖擺,它最終會消散並停止。 所有其他聲音都消融入其鐘聲(naad)代表了當下的一個心智,它擺脫了所有其他的想法和煩惱。 這樣的心變得清涼、愉悅、輕盈,並像月亮一樣閃耀著美麗。 這是 Devi Chandraghanta 的祝福。
Chandra means moon and ghanta is a bell. Gurudev says that the beauty of a million moons is present in our own consciousness. Whenever we feel beautiful there is a shift in our consciousness. And that uplifting consciousness, which holds and exhibits the beauty, is Chandraghanta.
The moon and the mind are connected. When a bell is rung, the mind is filled with that sound. From sound to silence, silence to sound - as the mind oscillates with the ringing of the bell, it eventually dissolves and comes to a standstill. The one sound(naad) of the bell into which all other sounds dissolve represents a mind in the present moment that is free from all other thoughts and worries. Such a mind becomes cool, pleasant and light and shines with beauty like the moon. This is the blessing of Devi Chandraghanta.

Tripurasundari,特里普拉桑達里,他的光芒如無限升起的太陽,紅衣盛裝,冠上月牙,手持甘蔗弓和花箭,刺棒和絞索, 坐在強大的聖輪Sri Chakra上,她是三界的基礎!”
Tripura 指的是三種意識狀態——清醒、深度睡眠和做夢。 Sundari 是一位美麗的化身。 純潔、令人激賞、喜悅、敏感的——所有這些美德構成了美。 美麗喚醒你並帶來活力。 Tripurasundari 是在所有三個狀態中體驗和表達的美。 她也是這三界的見證人。
The scriptures say, “One should meditate upon Tripurasundari, who is radiant like infinite rising suns, garbed in red and fully adorned, bearing the crescent moon on her crown, holding a bow of sugarcane and arrows of flowers, a goad and a noose, seated on the mighty Sri Chakra, she is the substratum of the three worlds!”
Tripura refers to the three states of consciousness – waking, deep sleep, and dream. Sundari is one who is beauty personified. Purity, appreciation, joy, sensitivity – all these virtues constitute beauty. Beauty wakes you up and brings up dynamism. Tripurasundari is the beauty that is experienced and expressed in all the three states. She is also the witness to all the three states.

“Ku”的意思是小,“sh”是能量,“anda”是宇宙領域。 這個宇宙充滿了從最小到最大的能量。 它從小到大,從大到小。 小種子變成果子,從果子裡又長出種子。 古儒吉說,這整個創造,無論是顯化的還是非顯化的,就像一個巨大的圓球或南瓜(也稱為
kushmanda庫什曼達)。 順便說一下,它是能量最高的蔬菜。 在這裡它指的是像球體一樣整體和完整的prana(微妙的生命力能量)。 kushmanda庫什曼達表現為我們內在的能量。
當你體驗到自己是一個能量球時,要知道這是母神的這一面向。 你感受到生命中的豐富和充實,看到創造中的每一個粒子都充滿生機和充滿活力。 看到覺醒的智慧在創造中無處不在的顯化是 Devi Kushmanda 的祝福。
‘Ku’ means small, ‘sh’ is energy and ‘anda’ is the cosmic sphere. This universe is pervaded by energy from the smallest to the largest. It moves from small to big and big to small. The small seed becomes the fruit and from the fruit, the seed comes again.
Gurudev says that this whole creation, both manifest and unmanifest, is like a huge round ball or pumpkin(which is also called kushmanda). Incidentally, it is the vegetable with the highest prana. Here it refers to the prana(subtle life force energy) that is total and complete like a sphere. Kushmanda manifests as the prana within us.
When you experience yourself as a ball of energy, know that it is this aspect of the Mother Divine. You feel the abundance and fullness in your life and see every particle in creation as alive and full of prana. Seeing that awakened intelligence manifest everywhere in creation is the blessing of Devi Kushmanda.
Devi Bhuvaneshwari被描述為宇宙之母,面容如初升的太陽,皇冠上飾有新月,她的心充滿甜蜜,賜予富足和無畏。 Bhuvana 的意思是世界,Ishwari 的意思是統治者。 她是對整個創造物擁有主權的人。 負責整個世界的有節奏運作並關心每個人的神聖面向是 Bhuvaneshwari。 月亮是心靈的象徵,是她的裝飾品。她維持創造並將思想提升到更高的意識水平,也提升到更高的意識。
The Devi Bhuvaneshwari is described as the queen mother of the universe, with a face glowing like a rising sun, adorned with the crescent moon on her crown, her heart filled with sweetness, bestowing abundance and fearlessness.
Bhuvana means world, and Ishwari means one who rules. She is the one who has lordship over the entire creation. That aspect of the divine which is responsible for the rhythmic functioning of the whole world and cares for every being is Bhuvaneshwari.
The moon is a symbol of the mind and is an adornment for her. She sustains creation and elevates the mind to higher levels of awareness, to a heightened consciousness too.

Shiva tattva 是一種至福、永遠平靜的原則,從行動中解脫出來。 女神是負責所有活力的原始能量。 她是三種力量的匯合點——Iccha欲望的力量、Kriya 行動力量和 Gnana Shakti知識力量。 當這些力量與 Shiva tattva 結合時,Skanda 就誕生了。 Skandamata 被描繪成騎著獅子,腿上放著孩子 Skanda。 她將實用的智慧和行動結合在一起。 她以純真體現了技巧,以慈悲體現了勇氣。
Skanda斯坎達是一名總司令。 古儒吉解釋了軍人母親的自豪感是多麼不同。 通常母親會關心他人,但Skanda斯坎達的母親並不擔心,因為她知道她的兒子會保護地球。 所以充滿自信和自豪的愛是Skandamata的品質。
The Shiva tattva is the blissful, ever calm principle disengaged from action. The Devi is the primordial energy responsible for all dynamism. She is the confluence of the three powers - Iccha, Kriya and Gnana Shakti. When these powers unite with the Shiva tattva, Skanda is born. Skandamata is depicted as riding a lion with the child Skanda on her lap. She brings practical wisdom and action together. She embodies skill with innocence and courage with compassion.
Skanda is a commander-in-chief. Gurudev explains how the pride of a mother of a soldier is very different. Usually motherhood comes with concerns for others but the Mother of Skanda has no worries because she knows her son will protect the planet. So the love with confidence and pride is the quality of Skandamata.
Tripura Bhairavi 被描述為
Tripura Bhairavi 是驅散和保護我們在所有三種意識狀態中免受負面影響的能量。 黑暗的方式只是沒有光,消極性的出現只是由於缺乏覺知(來自正向積極性高度意識,)。
她被描繪成環繞她周圍的火。 火是淨化器。 她從內到外淨化我們。 Devi Mahishasuramardini 和 Chandi 都是 Tripurabhairavi 的兩種形式。

Tripura Bhairavi is described as the the devi whose lotus-like face glows with the red radiance of infinite rising suns. She wears a garland of severed heads, rosary in one hand and book in the other, bestowing abundance and giving protection.
Tripura Bhairavi is the energy that dispels and protects us from negativity in all the three states of consciousness. The way darkness is simply the absence of light, negativity comes up only due to lack of awareness (from a heightened consciousness, of positivity).
She is depicted with fire all around her. Fire is a purifier. She purifies us from within and outside. Devi Mahishasuramardini and Chandi are both forms of Tripurabhairavi.
Katyayani卡佳亞尼形式展現的母神統治。 她代表著無法看到或理解的一切。 她是神性最深的、最複雜的秘密背後的力量。
Mahishasura 統治時,眾神聚集在一起向聖母祈禱尋求幫助。 Devi Katyayani 從眾神的憤怒中升起,以恢復平衡,維護正法。 據說,智者的憤怒只會帶來更大的好處,而即使是無知的人的愛也會帶來麻煩。 指向消極和不公正的正義之怒是 Katyayani 的一個方面。 自然災害背後的力量和力量歸功於Katyayani 佳亞尼。
她還代表了從尋道者意識的面向產生的能量。 超越感官,理解超越邏輯去看——這種能量就是 Devi Katyayani。

The subtle world, which is invisible and unmanifest, is ruled by the Mother Divine in the form of Katyayani. She represents everything that cannot be seen or understood. She is the force behind the deepest and most intricate secrets of divinity.
When Mahishasura reigned, the gods came together to pray to the Mother Divine for help. Devi Katyayani arose from the anger of the gods in order to restore the balance, to uphold dharma.
It is said that the anger of the wise only brings about greater good while even the love of an ignorant person can cause trouble. The anger of righteousness directed towards negativity and injustice is an aspect of Katyayani. The power and force behind natural disasters are attributed to Katyayani.
She also represents the energy that arises from the Seer aspect of the consciousness. Seeing beyond the senses and knowing beyond logic - this energy is Devi Katyayani.


https://www.yesvedanta.com/sanskrit-glossary-1/ Abhava(abhāva):不存在;缺席;否定;沒有什麼。 Abhaya:“沒有恐懼;”無畏無懼;一種不被任何恐懼所動搖的堅定狀態。 Abheda :無差別;非二元性。 Abhima...