也因此,在我們的靜心所中,每個星期一都有儒珈禮讚Rudra Pooja。
Rudram chanting done on Mondays is even more special. Monday is the day of the moon and the moon and mind are connected. Mantra, mind, moon, they are all connected somewhere. So, in India, as a tradition, they have this chanting going on in the Ashrams. So in our ashram also, every Monday, we have Rudra Pooja.
All the five elements are used in pooja. Pooja means honoring all the elements, born out of fullness. So, fire, water, incense sticks, fruits, flowers, rice, whatever nature has given to us, those things are used and the chanting goes on. There is a lot of depth and meaning to it. You can go and do some research on it, more and more things will come out.
Rudram是一種古老的誦經,是從空間(Aakasha)下載的。 當古老的聖賢和先知Rishis坐著靜心時,他們聽到了,他們將聽到的開始傳遞給其他人。
主要是,它會產生更多的正離子,人們在冥想時也會產生更多的正離子。 僅將其作為一種儀式並沒有那麼有效,因為據說:當人們從內在覺醒時,吠陀得誦經是很具效力的。
Rudram is an ancient chanting which was downloaded from the Aakasha (space). When the ancient sages and Rishis sat in meditation, they heard, and what they heard, they started transferring to other people.
The effect of Rudram is it creates positive energy and removes negative vibes. And a lot is said about the Rudram. When Rudram happens nature flourishes, nature becomes joyful and happy.
Mainly, it creates more positive ions, more so when people are meditating. Just doing it as a ritual is not that effective because it is said that:
The Veda Mantras are effective when people are awake from within.For them, these mantras have more meaning. So, they help you to go deep into meditation.
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