

 Dear Gurudev:
Happy Gurupoorima!

Acharya師父給“shiksha”(知識),但上師給“diksha” 點化,這是意識的高度。 大師不會用知識填滿你,而是點化你的生命力。 在Guru 上師面前,你變得更加活躍,你身體中的每個細胞都變得活躍。 這被稱為“diksha”。 這是智慧的高度,而不是資訊的高度。 Acharya給你資訊和知識,但大師召喚智慧,而不僅僅是智慧。 智力的頂峰是智慧,喚醒智慧。 因此,大師喚醒了智慧,而不是資訊。

心靈與月亮相連,滿月是完成和慶祝的象徵。 因此,Guru Purnima是弟子在飽滿和清醒中醒來的日子。 在那種覺醒中,他只能心存感激。 這是“Advaita”不二元(唯一)的感激之情,對合一的感激之情。 這不像一條河流從一個地方移動到另一個地方。 它是一個內部移動的海洋。 感恩和Guru Purnima象徵著學生和弟子的充實。 並以感激之情慶祝。

An acharya gives 'shiksha' (knowledge) but a guru gives 'diksha', which is the height of awareness. A guru simply does not stuff you with knowledge but kindles the life force in you. In guru’s presence you become more alive, every cell in your body becomes alive. That is called 'diksha'. It is the height of intelligence and not information. An acharya gives you information and knowledge but a guru invokes intelligence and not just the intellect. The pinnacle of intellect is intelligence, awaken intelligence. So, a guru awakens intelligence, not information.

Mind is connected with the moon and the full moon is a symbol of completion and celebration. So, Guru Purnima is the day when the disciple wakes up in his fullness and wakefulness. In that wakefulness, he can’t be but grateful. And it is the gratitude of 'Advaita', of oneness. It is not like a river moving from one place to another. It is an ocean moving within itself. Gratefulness and Guru Purnima symbolise the fullness of the student, of the disciple. And celebrates in gratitude.




https://www.yesvedanta.com/sanskrit-glossary-1/ Abhava(abhāva):不存在;缺席;否定;沒有什麼。 Abhaya:“沒有恐懼;”無畏無懼;一種不被任何恐懼所動搖的堅定狀態。 Abheda :無差別;非二元性。 Abhima...