
三種力量 Kartikeya

多年來,印度一直是全世界精神知識的寶庫。這種知識在本質上是整體的,既包括直接影響我們生活的嚴重現象又包括微妙現象。在許多方面,生命知識是多維的,並且超越了簡單的邏輯。因此,古代的先知們想出了一些有趣且富有創造力的方式來傳授這種深厚的精神智慧,以至於子孫後代得以保留並擁有! 我們看到,古老的印度智慧充滿了故事和象徵意義,這些故事和象徵已經存在並指導了我們數千年。這些故事和符號似乎與我們所生活的世界幾乎沒有關係,實際上傳達著微妙的真相,這些真相提供了對同一世界和我們自己的深刻見解。一旦解鎖,它們將徹底改變我們的整個世界觀,並為我們帶來新的生活視野。 卡爾迪基亞勳爵是古代印度傳說中的重要人物,他的起源和英雄主義舉止無與倫比,都是超自然的故事。在本系列-我們的三大力量-古魯杰夫(Gurudev)中,我們揭示了卡爾提卡(Kartikeya)在我們生活中所代表的真實含義,並揭開了關於他的不可思議的故事傳達給我們的神秘真理。這個由三部分
組成的系列文章將以深奧的象徵主義方式重新審視古代的往世書中 的故事,並以當代的視角解釋其本質,它將使您對自己以及生活中真正想要的東西有更深入的了解。 從11月20日至22日開始,與Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar進行LIVE知識講座,藉此旅程並發現對我們的三種力量有更深入的了解。

For ages, India has been a treasure of spiritual knowledge for the whole world. This knowledge is holistic in its nature and encompasses, both, the gross and subtle phenomena that directly impact our lives. In many ways, knowledge of life is multidimensional and transcends simple logic. Therefore, the ancient seers devised interesting and creative ways to impart this deep spiritual wisdom so that it is preserved for generations to come, and it has!

We see that ancient Indian wisdom is full of stories and symbolism that have survived and guided us for millennia. These stories and symbols, which seem to have little to do with the world we live in, actually convey subtle truths that provide deep insights into the same world and ourselves. Once unlocked, they completely transform our entire worldview and give us a new vision for life.

Lord Kartikeya is an important figure in the ancient Indian lore with supernatural stories about his origin and incomparable deeds of heroism. In this series - Our Three Powers - Gurudev reveals the true meaning of what Kartikeya represents in our life and unravels the mystical truth that the unbelievable stories about him convey to us. Revisiting ancient Puranic stories with esoteric symbolism and explaining their essence with a contemporary perspective, this three-part series will lead you to a greater understanding of yourself, and what you truly want from life.

Take this journey and discover a deeper understanding of Our Three Powers with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s LIVE knowledge session starting from November 20th to 22nd.




https://www.yesvedanta.com/sanskrit-glossary-1/ Abhava(abhāva):不存在;缺席;否定;沒有什麼。 Abhaya:“沒有恐懼;”無畏無懼;一種不被任何恐懼所動搖的堅定狀態。 Abheda :無差別;非二元性。 Abhima...